E-Motion: Energy in Motion with Coco Rojas
The following Sundays • 2:15 - 3:30 pm: January 26, February 2, 9, 16, & 23, & March 2This is an invitation to participate in the spinning action of the universal life force. Accessing the vortexes of energy arranged along the spinal column enables the ability to unlock stagnant emotions. Utilizing mindful actions, asanas, and mindful breathing, pranayama, experience the freedom that arises from influencing the flow of energy. The chakras have the power to vitalize the body and mind.
The following Sundays • 2:15 - 3:30 pm:
January 12 | Introduction to Chakras: Utilizing mindful actions, asanas, and mindful breathing, pranayama, we will explore the structure and philosophy of the chakra system as a whole before delving deep into each vortex.
January 19 | Muladhara Chakra: This chakra forms the foundation of survival instinct. Let's discover our physical identity and basic needs to feel more grounded.
January 26 | Svadhishthana Chakra: The sacral chakra is instrumental in developing flexibility in life. Let's create a deeper connection to ourselves.
February 2 | Manipura Chakra: This power chakra supports confidence, personal worth, self-discipline, and self-esteem. Let's ignite willpower.
February 9 | Anahata Chakra: A balanced heart chakra allows easy communication and exchange with others. Let's decide how freely we can love to feel more connected with one another.
February 16 | Vishuddha Chakra: The throat chakra governs expression and truthful, compassionate communication. Let's tell the world who we are.
February 23 | Ajna Chakra: The third eye chakra centers inner perception and insight. Let's generate straightforward and sincere self-reflection.
March 2 | Sahasrara Chakra: The crown chakra promotes the experience of mystical oneness. Let's aim for absolute unity and self-realization.